This Notice explains how we collect and use information that you provide via our websites or when you register for our events or apply to participate in a trial, or in the normal course of business when you ask us to perform a service on your behalf, or supply you with a product. Please read the following carefully before you give us any information. If you have any questions about our privacy practices or questions, requests or concerns regarding your information, please contact us via email to [email protected]
Information we collect
We collect information about you or the devices you use from the following sources:
When you view our website;
When you provide information to us when requesting information from us;
When you purchase a product from us or register your ownership of a product with us;
When you download an evaluation product from us;
When you are establishing or maintaining an account or otherwise receiving a service from us;
When you register to attend or while attending a JOINER event (Please note that at our event presentations, panel discussions and other activities can be recorded);
When you register to participate in a voluntary trial organised by JOINER.
This information may be collected when you are filling in forms on our website, giving us your business card, entering a survey, competition or promotion organised by us, or when generally corresponding with us by phone, email, letter or otherwise.
In addition, we collect information about you:
When we share information within the JOINER consortium in the ordinary course of business;
When we receive referrals from customers and others;
When we collect or receive data from third parties, including, in some cases, publicly available directories, as part of our marketing and prospecting activities.
We do not currently collect any personal data from mobile applications.
Types of Information
From the sources listed above, we collect the following types of information:
Name, business or personal email address, phone number, physical address;
Job title and professional details;
Profile photograph;
LinkedIn profile data;
Information relevant to event attendance, such as meal preferences or information submitted via our websites or other channels;
Titles of articles, publications and reports downloaded from our website;
Types of products and services supplied by us to you in fulfilment of a contract between us.
Information collected automatically
When you use our websites, we may collect information about you (such as the Internet protocol (IP) address used to connect your computer to the Internet, your login information, browser type and version, time zone setting, browser plug-in types and versions, operating system and platform). ‘Special category’ data. During the course of providing our services, we may collect personal information about you (or a person you are representing) relating to age, gender, racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, health, criminal convictions, or certain types of genetic or biometric data (such information is known as ‘special category’ data). This is most likely to occur, for example, if you are voluntarily participating in a trial, or the information is necessary in order for us to perform services that you or your agent have requested from us. (Please note that the result of all trial data is anonymised).
We will only collect, store or use ‘special category’ data if;
We have your explicit consent;
We believe that we need to use that data to protect your vital interests where you are not able to provide us with your explicit consent, or
You have previously made that data public knowledge, or
It is necessary to protect your vital interests, or the vital interests of another person, or
We need to use that data to establish, exercise or defend legal claims.
When we collect or receive special category data we will seek your explicit consent to do so.